B atteries that have li th ium as anode are referred to as li th ium batter ies . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T h se b atteries can be divided into three categor ies : lithium ion , lithium phosphate and lith , depending on the techn olog y used _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ium poly mer batter ies . _ _ _ Lith ium - iron batteries , also known as Li Fe Po 4 batteries , are the most advanced lithium batteries . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L ike all other batter ies , Li Fe Po 4 batter ies consist of comp onent s such as cathode , anode , elec trolyte , se par ator and current collector . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In a lithium iron battery , lithium iron phosphate is the cathode material and a graph ite carbon elec trode w ith met all ic back _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ side the an ode . _
Why Use LiFePo4 Batteries for Inverters?
It is well known that batteries play a crucial role in determining the performance and lifetime of inverters in Germany. Compared to other battery technologies like nickel, silver and lead, lithium batteries have a wide acceptance worldwide. Lithium has a high electrochemical potential and can be recharged repeatedly, resulting in minimal maintenance costs and a longer lifespan.
In addition to the usual advantages of lithium batteries, lithium iron (LiFePo4) or lithium iron phosphate batteries have higher thermal and chemical stability and therefore better safety aspects. You can really improve the overall efficiency of your inverter because LiFePo4 batteries are more reliable, stable and maintenance free.
1.LifePo4 batteries have high charging and discharging efficiency and higher capacity than ordinary batteries with constant output power.
2. They are lighter than other batteries and therefore bring significant changes to the design and overall weight of your backup power system.
3.Also, they are eco-friendly and non-toxic.